Welcome to Chantaburi

Tagesbericht 1: Montag


Wir sind um 8:00 Uhr von der Schule nach Chantaburi losgefahren. Die Fahrt dauerte 4 Stunden, wir haben einen Halt gemacht. Als wir angekommen sind haben wir gegessen und dann die Zimmer bezogen.  Am Nachmittag sind wir Kajak gefahren. In den Kajaks waren 2-3 Sitzplätze, es hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Als wir im Resort zurück waren, durften wir im Meer oder Pool baden. Danach gab es Abend essen. Jetzt durften wir noch bis 10:00 Uhr spielen oder wach bleiben.
Von Jonathan, Patrick, und Joshua. 

Daily Report 1: Monday

We were very excited when we were at school and we started to travel in the bus. The bus ride was four hours long; we made a stop in the second hour. We started to travel again and we arrived. We made a break, then we went to the mangroves. We went to do kayaking in the mangroves. We crashed a lot of times and we also got wet, but we had a lot of fun. On the way to the mangroves there was a tower; after the kayaking we could go up the tower, where we saw a really nice view. We came back to the hotel and we ate a snack and then we could go to the pool and sea. This first day of the trip was so amazing!
Written by Christine and Arlene

Shrimp Farm and "Chicken Prison"

Daily Report 2: Tuesday

Day 2: Tuesday




On the second day we were ready to saw the dried fish,  the chicken prison, the shrimp farm, and the waterfall.


We stopped on the road and we saw lots of dried fish. We tasted one, or maybe more if we wanted more. We went to a French prison at Chantaburi and the teachers told us that it was called “Chicken Prison” because the prisoners will go in the prison and above them chickens will be placed. Those chickens are allowed to live on top of the prisoners and do their droppings onto the prisoners as much as they want. It sounded gross. After that we went to a shrimp farm. The owner showed us a lot of shrimp and he said “the female shrimp has a lot of eggs. The male shrimp would not live in the females’ pond.” We also went to a waterfall and swam in front of it. The water there was freezing and most of us did not swim. There were also some gigantic fish and some small fish too. The small fish would try and bite us, but it wasn't painful at all.


Written by Haiqal, Nine, and Noah


Tagesbericht 2: Dienstag


Heute hatten wir unseres Frühstück. Dann sind wir um 9:00 Uhr losgefahren.
1. Fisch Farm. Es gab viele kleine getrocknete Fische.
2. Chicken Prison. Gefängnis es von der Franzosen.
3. Shrimp Eier Farm. die Eier waren ganz klein.
4. Matten Flechtwerk. Wir konnten sehen, wie man Matten herstellt und sogar ein paar kaufen. Danach haben wir Nudelsuppe gegessen.
5. Wasserfall. Der Weg war anstrengend.
Beim Wasserfall konnten wir schwimmen mit den großen Fischen. Nun sind wir bei der Heimfahrt D lang und laut war. Wir konnten im Meer baden, bevor wir zum Abendessen gegangen sind. Zum Abendessen haben wir Pommes, Nuggets, und Nudelsuppe. Jetzt machen wir noch Spiele und hören eine gute Nachtgeschichte. 
Von Timon, Thore, und Hans

Pirate Games

Tagesbericht 3: Mittwoch


Heute haben wir um 8:00 Uhr gefrühstückt. Nine hatte heute Geburtstag. Als wir fertig gefrühstückt hatten, haben die Lehrer uns sechs verschiedene Spiele für sechs Gruppen gezeigt. Die Spiele waren: Morsezeichen, Schiffe falten, Volleyball, Schatzsuche, Sandburgen bauen und Piratenhütte und Augenklappen basteln. Dann haben wir um 12:15 Uhr Mittag gegessen. Danach hatten wir Freizeit am Pool oder am Meer. Am Nachmittag, spielen wir Spiele und zwar: Rugby, Beach-Volleyball und basteln. Dann hatten wir Abend essen. Es gab: Reis, Chicken Wings, und Nudelsuppe.Manche Kinder fuhren dann mit einem Boot zum Tintenfisch-fangen. Wenn sie zurückkommen, spielen wir Spiele und die Lehrer lesen uns eine Gutenachtgeschichte vor. Später kommen die Lehrer in unsere Zimmer und schauen, ob unser Zimmer ordentlich ist. 
von Prim und Julia

Daily Report 3: Wednesday

In the morning we had the pirate games. They included volleyball, morse code, treasure hunting, building things out of sand, and crafting pirate hats and eyepatches. In the evening some of us went squid fishing. The squid fishing was quite fun; some of us got only one squid and the teachers got more than one. The squid was splashing the ink in the water; the water was so black and dirty. When everyone came back from squid fishing, Frau Jakob read us a story before we went to bed. The story was about a pirate called Silverbeard who wanted more pirates in his crew. 
Written by Olivia and Aimi

Squid Fishing

Tagesbericht 4: Donnerstag

Heute hatte Jonathan und Emilie Geburtstag. Wir sind um 7:30 Uhr aufgewacht und sind mit Frau Büchi am Strand entlang gelaufen. Um 8:00 Uhr gab es Frühstück. Dann um 9:30 Uhr Uhr sind wir zu einem Aquarium gelaufen. Wir haben verschiedene Fische gesehen und abgemalt. Danach durften wir Souveniers kaufen. Als wir zurück kamen sind wir lange im Meer geschwommen. Manche wollten Kajak fahren, doch sie hatten Pech denn das Wasser war zu niedrig. Dafür hatten sie umsonst ein Getränk bekommen. Endlich war die Piraten Olympiade dran. Gleich gibt es Abendessen und heute Abend feiern wir unsere Piraten Party. 

Von Mathias, Henri, und Prow


Daily Report 4: Thursday

For breakfast we had Nutella, and there were two people who had a birthday: Emilie and Jonathan. After that, we took a long walk to the aquarium and we watched fish. My (Mungkorn) favourite fish is the baby black-tipped shark. Then, the teacher told us to sketch a fish you like the most so I drew the baby black-tipped shark. Then the teacher mixed the drawings up then they gave them out randomly. Then we have to go look for the name and the habitat of the drawing of the fish you got and I got the clown fish. After that, the teacher brought us to the souvenir shop but I did not buy anything because I forgot to bring my money. Then we went back to the hotel. When we got there we had 10 minutes to have a break then we came to eat lunch, I didn’t want to eat lunch at first (Pob), I actually wanted to drink milk and water, but I had to or I’d go hungry, so I ate a bit then I just walked around with a couple of guys and a gal. Then I went into the ocean and I took a shower and played a bit of jenga.


Written by Mungkorn and Pob


Beach and Fun in the Sun

About the Teacher

Hello! Guten Tag! Bonjour! 


My name is Benjamin Schupay and I am the homeroom teacher for Room 208; Grade 4/5E. I am the teacher for English, math, biology, history, and geography.


A wish to extend a warm welcome back to our families who are returning again this year for grade six. I look forward to another exciting year where we can push what our students know and help them explore new topics, such as French.


I have taught in various capacties from high school to preschool, and have taught in English, German, and French. I completed my college training at the University of Pittsburgh, from which I hold three degrees: German, French, and Education. 




I can be contacted via email at: b.schupay@ris-swiss-section.org